Triode Lab 2A3M Single Ended Triode Monoblock Amps
Brand new Triode Lab 2A3M SET Monoblocks, superbly musical and quiet, 3.5 watts per channel (speakers 90dB+ recommended), finished in Mocha Brown and built here in Canada with top quality transformers and parts:
- NOS TOMIKO Transformers (hand made, from Kyushu, Japan) custom spec for 2A3 tubes
HAMMOND oversized choke transformers
HAMMOND oversized power transformers
HAMMOND 2A3 filament transformers (another reason the noise floor is so low)
CMC USA Gold RCA Jacks
MUNDORF EVO SILVER & GOLD OIL Coupling Caps ($$$ Upgraded)
- Binding Posts 0-4-8-16 Ohms
2 year warranty is included. Price includes shipping in Canada and USA.
Tubes included:
12AX7 (2)
Shuguang 2A3C (2)
JJ 5Y3 (2)